Battlefield 1 Teaser Hypes Fighting Alongside Lawrence of Arabia

Nothing is written.

Enough has been said about Battlefield 1’s multiplayer but we’ve only been learning more about the game’s campaign over the past week. Divided into distinct War Stories, Battlefield 1’s single-player will spin different regions and different sets of characters to convey the breadth of the war.

One of those characters is Lawrence of Aradia and in a new teaser on Twitter, the official Battlefield Twitter indicated that, “You’ll work with a legend to defeat a technologically superior enemy in ‘Nothing is Written.'”

Further down, it was confirmed that you wouldn’t be playing as Lawrence himself. “You will be working alongside Lawrence of Arabia. You’ll have to let us know what you think of the single player Campaign.”

It’s been speculated that the Bedouin warrior on horseback we’ve seen in previous teasers is the actual star of this War Story but we’ll need to wait till Battlefield 1 releases on October 21st to find out. Stay tuned for more information in the meantime.

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