Battlefield 4: Naval Strike PC Receives Client Update, Patch Notes

Because of course it does.

Battlefield 4: Naval Strike is finally available for Premium subscribers on PC after a week long delay and much like the Xbox One version, DICE released a patch for the DLC.

The patch helps improve general stability while correcting the same issues that plagued the Xbox One version – namely kill cams showing the wrong killer, weapons firing twice or not at all, issues that caused packet loss and more. There’s also a fix for players who were seemingly catapulted when walking on steep surfaces, along with a fix for that infamous bug that caused the quad bike to explode if it hit any indestructible objects.

This is along with the usual weapon tweaks, vehicle tweaks, aircraft tweaks, grenade tweaks and so on. Currently, Battlefield 4: Naval Strike is available on all platforms for Premium subscribers. It will be available to non-subscribers on April 8th. So stay tuned for more details and the next inevitable patch.

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