Battlefield: Bad Company 2 DLC on PSN

The recently released ‘Onslaught’ mode which could be downloaded as DLC for the Xbox 360 version of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 is now availible on PSN.

The new add-on will have four players playing as a team, facing endless hordes of enemies who just want to put a bullet in your head, have lunch, take a quick nap in the living room and kick some ass again.

It sounds hard, but we have got some advice from the executive producer Patrick Bach on how to play this mode properly:

“Keep your squad tight and make sure to experiment with a mix of different kits. It’s all about finding the right weapon for the job. You wouldn’t try and blow up a tank with a sniper rifle – even though you CAN headshot people with the repair tool, actually.”

The Onslaught DLC was recently released on XBLA as well.

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