Beyond Good and Evil 2 is “Very Serious Development” for Ubisoft

Long dev cycle due to technological limitations.

Not much was heard about Beyond Good and Evil 2, the long-awaited sequel to the 2003 cult classic, even after it’s unveiling in 2008. As per creator Michel Ancel while speaking to Kotaku, it’s a “very serious development for Ubisoft” currently.

Though it’s been in development since Rayman Legends’ was finished but that it’s a ways off from release and has to be “more concrete” before finally being revealed in full. Ancel also clarified that the teasing via Instagram images “was not a gimmick but a way to say ‘Look. The game exists and we can do it.'”

As for the long development cycle, it was mostly due to limits with technology. “[We had] big questions that are so big you can’t know the answers because no physics engine can handle all of the dimensions and speeds and things like that. It’s like ‘Okay, if no physics engine can do it, how can we achieve that?’

“It’s crazy and difficult to explain to people how technical making a game is. Now it’s not anymore about polygons and things like that, it’s about millions of behavioral AIs, systems, and giant spaceships crashing on big planets.”

The question now is: When will Beyond Good and Evil 2 come up again? Let us know what you think in the comments below.

Beyond Good and Evil 2michel ancelpcps4UbisoftXbox One