Beyond Good and Evil 2 Will Not Be Revealed At E3 This Year

But he says it will probably be revealed later this year nonetheless.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 has already been confirmed as being under development- and a lot of people were probably hoping to see it at E3 this year, after it failed to materialize at the Nintendo Switch event in January. However, it sounds like that won’t be happening- director Michel Ancel confirmed on Instagram himself that the game will not be revealed at E3 this year after all.

I suppose it’s for the best that he did so- at least this way no one is going in with false expectations. He also stated, however, that he hopes to have the game revealed fully before this year ends regardless- so either way, we are at most seven months away from seeing the long anticipated sequel to the cult hit PS2/Xbox/Gamecube/PC game.

Maybe we’ll see it at Gamescom? Or would it be at PlayStation Experience? Some random Nintendo Direct, perhaps? Whenever it is revealed, we will let you know.

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