Beyond: Two Souls and Rayman Legends Headline PS Plus Lineup for May

Play Cage's last game right before his next one.

Sony continues putting out surprisingly strong games for its PS Plus lineup, with May’s lineup headlined by Rayman Legends, the gorgeous side scrolling platformer by Ubisoft, and the follow-up to the superlative Rayan Origins, and Beyond: Two Souls, David Cage’s final PS3 project.

Beyond: Two Souls launched on the PS3 in 2013, and while it wasn’t as well received as Heavy Rain, I guess it’s still a good way for people who might be interested in the upcoming Detroit: Become Human to see what Cage’s past work was like.

The lineup for PS3 and PS Vita is really like residual dregs- there’s nothing impressive here, and it’s clear Sony is just scraping the bottom of the barrel for those systems before preparing to retire them early next year from PS Plus.

You can check out the full lineup of PS Plus games for PS3, PS4, and PS Vita in May for yourself below.

  • Beyond: Two Souls (PS4)
  • Rayman Legends (PS4)
  • Risen 3: Titan Lords (PS3)
  • Eat Them (PS3)
  • King Oddball (PS Vita) (Cross Buy with PS3 and PS4)
  • Furmins (PS Vita)
Beyond: Two Soulsps plusPS Vitaps3ps4PSNRayman Legendssony