Big Picture Released Publicly for Steam, Valve Announces Steam Sale to Celebrate

Valve's living room interface is finally available to consumers.

It’s finally here. Many have claimed that this is Valve’s first step towards a real gaming console. Until then, Steam’s Big Picture will be a way for consumers to comfortably use Steam in their living rooms and on their HDTVs as it becomes available to the public. Previously in closed beta, the interface fits Steam’s interface to one’s television, and can be used with a PC (or Xbox 360) gamepad.

To use Big Picture, all you have to do is connect your PC to your TV (or transmit your PC display wirelessly to your TV), and click on the “Big Picture” icon that appears when you fire up Steam.

Valve has also announced a week-long Steam sale for controller-friendly titles like Portal 2, Alan Wake, Limbo, Mark of the Ninja, Orcs Must Die 2 and many more, with over 30 games being on sale. Some titles with partial controller support will be on sale as well, which will end on December 10th at 10 AM Pacific Standard Time.

Source: GIBiz

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