Bioware’s New IP For PS4, Xbox One And PC Gets Yet Another Teaser

Just show us what it is already.

That Bioware has been working on a new IP is something that we have known for quite a while now. To be precise, we have had three teasers for this new IP already. And now here is the fourth one. Which is about as abstract and therefore as baffling as the other three so far have been.

As for what this new IP is- well, who knows? Maybe EA will do us all a favor and actually unveil it at their Gamescom showing, that would be nice. Hopefully, the new IP venture is as cool as Mass Effect and Dragon Age were back in their day.

If they do unveil it, we will have all the coverage and information for you right here at GamingBolt, so stay tuned. Also make sure to tune in to our Gamescom coverage, because we’ll have all the latest and greatest information for you. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
