Black Ops 2 is a buggy mess on the PS3

According to reports by several players

Players are reporting that the PS3 version of the newly released Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has several issues, ranging from freezing issues and server issues to sound glitches.

People on the official Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2 forum are reporting that the game is freezing up a lot- while updating the game, while loading a multiplayer game or at the end of an online game, during single player, or even while creating an emblem.

Some aren’t even able to play the game online. People are having issues with connecting to a game, or the servers entirely, or getting a “servers not available” message when they do manage to connect. One person states that he waited four hours to get a connection.

Some players are also getting messages saying “more players are needed to balance teams” even when they’re in full lobbies.

Sound issues are also being reported, especially in the zonbies modes, where sometimes sound just cuts out altogether. Activision says it’s working on these issues.

Have you encountered any such problems? Tell us in your comments below.


activisionBlack Ops 2Call Of Duty: Black Ops 2ps3Treyarch