Borderlands 3 Details Leak In New Rumor, All Four Classes Detailed

The character classes and abilities sound truly exciting.

While we still don’t know when Borderlands 3 might be announced (maybe tonight?), a new rumor for the game, from YouTube channel TheKnow, has leaked some information on what exactly we can expect from the title when it is out. Among the information that is included in the rumor are details on all four classes in the game, as well as what their unique abilities and/or weapons might be.

The four classes in the game will be Soldier, Beastmaster, Assassin, and Siren. The Beastmaster sounds like it will be the equivalent of the Hunter class from the first game, and can master up to three animals at once; the Soldier class, on the other hand, seems like it can summon a giant mech suit to do its bidding, which is totally the most balanced thing in the world. The Siren sounds like it will be melee based this time around, while the Assassin will be able to summon a decoy to draw aggro.

You can check the video detailing this for yourself below. Borderlands 3 is not yet officially announced, but we’ve had enough teases for it recently that we can hope it might be incoming soon now.

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