Bungie “Not Ignoring” Xbox Fans And Owners, Not Favoring PlayStation

Bungie denies accusations.

Bungie recently posted a blog post, talking about the progress of their upcoming MMO first person shooter, Destiny, and also decided to answer some questions asked by the fans.

One of the fans was quite angry, it seemed, as he asked when Bungie would stop “ignoring” the Xbox fanbase and “give a nod” to them. Bungie responded by saying that they weren’t ignoring anyone at all in the first place.

“Who’s ignoring you?” Bungie wrote. “We’re right here; making a game we hope you’ll love. We’re listening to your questions, and answering the ones we can. If you’re a gamer who wants to play a Bungie game, you’re very much on our mind – every day.”

It’s quite interesting, seeing the two rival fanbases vying for the attention of top developers while developers are claiming they don’t need to do that in the first place.

Yesterday, Bungie  revealed a brand new gameplay footage which you can watch over here. Stay tuned for more updates.


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