Call of Cthulhu Launch Trailer is Full of Reality-Bending

Cyanide's horror title offers even more footage of crazy cults and nightmarish beings.

What is the truth? What is the result of inward dreaming? No matter what the answer may be, Cthulhu is coming. Cyanide’s Call of Cthulhu will be launching next week, and the developer has released a new launch trailer to celebrate the day. Check it out below, especially because it offers a nifty hint at the story.

Private investigator Edward Pierce has seen better days and cases. Usually at the bottom of a bottle, Pierce has been having nightmares following his war-time deployment. One day, a case arrives to investigate the case of the Hawkins family’s death, one that proves to be an intriguing one, especially when a surreal painting by the mother Sarah is all the evidence on hand. The journey to Darkwater Island thus begins.

Pierce will have a number of skills available to aid his investigation, from improved environmental observation to discerning occult items. Stealth and ingenuity will be his friend, especially when reality takes a dip and Cthulhu starts pushing his sanity. Call of Cthulhu is out on October 30th for Xbox One, PS4, and PC.

Call of Cthulhu: The Official Video GameCyanideFocus Home Interactivepcps4Xbox One