Call of Cthulhu Looks Creepy As Heck In These New Screenshots

Great old one.

H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu mythos are among the richest and most imaginative settings in all of fiction, and they have been plumbed repeatedly by video game developers, too. But we never get tired of a Lovecraftian setting- there’s simply so much that can be done with them.

Which is one of the reasons why we are so excited for Call of Cthulhu, by Cyanide and Focus Home Interactive. The game is meant to be the official video game adaptation of the pen and paper tabletop RPG, and it will allegedly stay true to the narrative and story fundamentals of H.P. Lovecraft’s works, too- and if you don’t believe that, then these new screenshots for the game, which you can see for yourself below, should certainly help sell you on it.

Cyanide are talented developers, but they usually falter a bit in their execution- let’s hope that they manage to stick the landing with Call of Cthulhu, because this game could be something truly special if they did.

Call of CthulhuCyanidefocus homepcps4Xbox One