The timed exclusivity deal for Call of Duty DLC that PlayStation enjoyed with last year’s Black Ops 3 will continue with this year’s upcoming Infinite Warfare– all DLC for the game will be coming to the PS4 30 days before it comes to either Xbox One or PC, Activision have announced.
“We’re excited to say that PS4 owners will get DLC Map Packs 30 days early. So plan your upcoming holiday season weekends carefully,” said Infinity Ward communications director Eric Monacelli.
DLC for Infinite Warfare is likely to include four new map packs, with new multiplayer maps, remakes of old, fan favorite multiplayer maps, as well as new content for the co-op Zombies mode, which has been confirmed to be returning in Infinite Warfare, making this year’s game the very first one by Infinity Ward to include the popular mode that Treyarch pioneered.
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will launch on PS4, Xbox One, and PC on November 4.