Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Gameplay Reveal Is Coming Soon, Says Infinity Ward

We should get a look at actual gameplay soon.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is promising several different kinds of departures for the series. From a more gritty story to the lack of traditional season pass, it at least feels like, on paper, the game is trying for something a little different. Another way it’s different, however, is the timetable. It was revealed much later than previous titles in the annual franchise, and we still haven’t seen any gameplay footage or reveal- at least not publicly. Hopefully, that’s about to change.

On the game’s Reddit page, when a user asked why the developers haven’t just come out and said when the gameplay reveal would happen, they got a response from a verified Infinity Ward account that they were “Almost there… stay on target.”

Obviously, it’s a little on the vague side, but considering how they took the effort to answer, it seems to imply something is moving behind the scenes soon. The game will release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on October 25th, and we’ll keep you updated when that first Call of Duty: Modern Warfare footage hits.

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