Call of Duty: Modern Warfare came out at the end of last month, and it’s already looking to be the biggest game of the year. But if it feels a little different to you than expected, it’s not all in your head. The game is a bit slower than previous entries, and it was that way by design in an effort to ease in some newer players.
The Call of Duty series was always known for its speed and twitch based shooting. Modern Warfare isn’t slow at all, it’s still speedy, but Design Director of Multiplayer Joe Cecot confirmed that they chose a new style in an effort to help newcomers not get crushed by veterans. It also creates a unique feeling to the game compared to its many predecessors. Thanks to YouTuber Birdman for uploading the interview.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is available now for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. For our review of the much anticipated shooter, you can do that through here.