Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Multiplayer Reveal Schedule Revealed

The day has a timetable that includes a preshow and post-show.

We are close now to the full multiplayer reveal for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The unveiling will be this Thursday, and Activision and Infinity Ward have been leaving us some breadcrumbs in the meantime. We’ve gotten look at the killstreaks and the customization options we’ll have access to. It’s going to be big, and they are going to make a show of it.

Via the series’ official Twitter, they have also laid out exactly what the schedule for the day will be. The reveal with have a pre-show that includes a trailer debut. Then we’ll have the big reveal, followed by a post-show. Apparently, the multiplayer reveal is set to last for 3 and a half hours according to the timetable you can see below, which means we should see a very extended look. No word yet on what the post-show will entail.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will release October 25th for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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