Call of Duty: World War 2 Campaign and Zombies Mode Information Revealed

Tons of new information revealed from the upcoming shooter .

Call of Duty: World War 2 looks like a return to form for a franchise that has slowly been losing fan engagement over the last year or so. The return to the franchise’s World War 2 roots is a triumphant answer to players’ calls, and the game looks like it will imbibe everything from past Call of Duty games that players have liked.

That apparently includes the Zombies mode, which was already confirmed to be returning previously. Activision and Sledgehammer also confirmed in an article in the newest issue of Game Informer that there will be more than one way to clear each stage in the mode, which should give it some good replay value. There will be different objectives as well, which should make for a less scripted experience than it would have been otherwise. The undead you take down will come in varied forms, too- some will be simple, while others will be terrifying abominations built out of leftover parts from other zombies you’ve mowed down.

Additionally, some news about the multi-player mode was also revealed- Team Deathmatch, Kill Confirmed, Domination, and Hardpoint are all modes that were confirmed to be returning in World War 2, and we also learned that in Headquarters mode, players can obtain daily and weekly quests, fend off AI enemies, and open up supply drops, making it a central hub for your entire Call of Duty experience.

Finally, some good news about the single player mode- there will be no regenerating health in single player mode! Instead, the player will need to restore health with health packs and first aid kits, which you will have to rely on your teammate for. Thank goodness for that. Call of Duty: World War 2 launches on Xbox One, PS4, and PC this November.

Thanks, DualShockers.

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