Call of Duty: WW2 Facing Connectivity Issues After Recent Patch

Activision Support notes that it's still working to resolve issues and get players into matches.

Sledgehammer Games’ Call of Duty: WW2 hasn’t been having the best launch of the year and players have complained about connectivity issues, de-ranking after matches and whatnot. A recent patch was issued to address these complaints but said patch seems to have caused a whole lot of other issues.

Over on Reddit, players are complaining about being disconnected with the listen server error. Others can’t connect due to the 103295 error and sure enough, many complaints on the sub-Reddit come from players who simply can’t start matches.

Activision Support on Twitter acknowledged that it was working to revolve issues related to players not getting into matches. Despite an update that it was still working on the same, there’s seemingly been no progress thus far.

Call of Duty: WW2 launched on November 4th for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. It’s already been a massive success for Activision so this further reflects badly on the company when it can’t even get players into multiplayer matches. Stay tuned for more information as it arrives.

activisionCall of Duty: WW2pcps4sledgehammer gamesXbox One