Call of Duty: WW2 PS4 Copies Now Playable, Major Information About Game Leaks As A Result

Links to spoilered information inside.

Sledgehammer Games and Activision had essentially sought to make any early copies of Call of Duty: WW2, which are sold before the street date, unplayable- essentially, they would need an update before players would be able to play the game. However, for whatever reason, they have gone ahead and released that update for the PS4 version of the game (none for the Xbox One or PC versions yet), making it playable- and as a result, a lot of information about the final game has now leaked.

The information is mostly limited to streams and mirror uploads that keep getting clamped down on by Activision; it goes without saying that the online mode is not currently playable. Most of this information is loaded to less savory parts of the internet that we don’t feel comfortable linking to here- you can check out a directory of leaks on RedditBe mindful that some of the links are hosted on NSFW sites. Also be mindful that this information will have spoilers.

Call of Duty: WW2 launches on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on Friday, November 3.

activisionCall of Duty: WW2pcps4sledgehammer gamesXbox One