Capcom Home Arcade Revealed – Retro System Coming in October

Fashioned as an arcade stick, the plug-and-play system boasts 16 classic games.

Cashing in on the retro console trend, Capcom has announced the Capcom Home Arcade. Built like an arcade stick and functioning as a plug-and-play system, it contains the company’s arcade titles from ’80s and ’90s in one convenient package. The Capcom Home Arcade will go on sale on October 25th for €230.

Manufactured by Koch Media, the device contains 16 classic titles. These include Alien vs. Predator, Captain Commando, Cyberbots, Darkstalkers, Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo, Strider, Final Fight, Capcom Sports Club, Street Fighter 2: Hyper Fighting, Ghouls and Ghosts, Giga Wing, ProGear, and Mega Man: The Power Battle. You can also look forward to lesser known games like Eco Warriors and 1944: The Loop Master.

Though emulated with FB Alpha, each title is produced from their classic CPS1 and CPS2 ROMS. The arcade stick also boasts Wifi for uploading one’s scores to a global leaderboard. In terms of experiencing the publisher’s classic arcade titles, the Capcom Home Arcade sounds like a good deal. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months on its emulation and performance.

1944: The Loop MasterAlien vs. PredatorArmored WarriorscapcomCapcom Home ArcadeCapcom Sports ClubCaptain CommandoCyberbots: Fullmetal MadnessDarkstalkersEco FightersFinal FightGigawing GenerationsGhouls and GhostsMega Man: The Power BattleProgear: Storm Of ProgiaStreet Fighter 2: Hyper FightingStrider