Capcom To Hold A Switch-Dedicated Panel At TGS 2019

More ports and remasters incoming?

Capcom clearly has big plans for Tokyo Game Show next month. They’re preparing to announce a completely new Resident Evil game, which it seems is going to be co-op multiplayer-focused title (at least based on leaked images), but that’s not the only thing they’ve got lined up to announce at the show.

As per Capcom’s confirmed TGS schedule, on September 15 from 14:05 to 15:00 (local time), Capcom will be hosting panel for something they’re calling “Capcom Adult Masterpiece Series”, following by an interview regarding the same from 15:00 to 15:10. And it looks like this is a focused effort on Capcom’s part to bring more mature titles to the Switch from (presumably) its back catalog- at least based on the information that can be gleaned from their Nintendo Switch library page.

Capcom’s support for the Switch has been pretty lacklustre. By sheer numbers, that might not be the case, but those numbers include Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate an old-school Monster Hunter title that launched post-World – and a bunch of ports or HD remasters for older games.

As for what announcements this panel could hold, that’s anyone’s best guess. The Switch recently got an HD port of Devil May Cry, so it wouldn’t be surprising to see similar releases for other games in the series. Perhaps Dead Rising could be coming to Nintendo’s platform. Either way, we’ll find out soon enough, so stay tuned for more updates.

capcomnintendo switchtgs 2019