Captain Price Making His Way To Call of Duty: Ghosts

Infinity Ward crossover.

Fan favourite Modern Warfare character Captain Price may not necessarily be a character who’s part of the CoD: Ghosts universe, but Infinity Ward has decided to give its fans a treat and has made Captain Price a playable character in the latest Call of Duty game.

Captain Price: Legend Pack features the character of Price, voiced fully by Billy Murray, as a playable character in the CoD: Ghosts multiplayer and squad matches and will come with his own Personalisation Pack. The DLC will come with a player patch, reticule, a player background and a weapon camo.

The DLC pack will be out on 18th Feb exclusively for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One, but only Season Pass owners can transfer that data between the two systems. If you don’t have a Season Pass and have both the Xbox systems, you’ll have to buy the DLC separately on both of them (if you want to, of course).

activisionCall of Duty: GhostsInfinity Wardxbox 360Xbox One