Check Out This New Trailer, And Gameplay Footage, For Rare’s Sea of Thieves

This looks great.

Rare’s upcoming Sea of Thieves got a huge information blowout today at Microsoft’s E3 press conference. We got to see a brand new trailer, which, admittedly, doesn’t really tell us much about the game (Microsoft and Rare claim it “shows us the freedom that comes from living the pirate life style on the high seas”), but then they proceeded to show us some gameplay footage- and that’s where things got good.

Not just good- they got great. The game, which is a multiplayer game, involves players working together and working as a band of pirates as they sail the high seas, looking for new islands, treasure, and engaging in combat. It has all the charm of a Rare game, and holy shit, it looks beautiful too. Basically, this game looks like the kind of thing that Rare used to be known for, and which has sorely been missing from them over the last decade.

Sea of Thieves will be coming to Xbox One and Windows 10. Check out both the videos below.

3DS. PCMicrosoftRareSea of Thieveswindows 10Xbox One