Chip Shortages Could Continue Until Next Year, Toshiba Claims – Report

A recent Bloomberg report details the current state of affairs surrounding the supply shortages of electronic components such as power-chips.

A recent Bloomberg reports details Toshiba’s current state of affairs regarding its manufacturing of power-chips that can be found in an array of electronic devices including but not limited to gaming consoles. High ranking officials within the company have claimed that these shortages would easily extend well into 2022, and in certain cases even up until 2023.

Of course, even a seemingly small component as a power-chip can hold huge implications for the production of devices such as consoles. Toshiba is unable to fulfill its orders for customers, and is continually making decisions on how to allocate resources to its litany of clients.

Ranking among the top are of course, game console manufacturers – Sony and Microsoft. The PS5 and Xbox Series X/S are as hard to come by as last year, and every console manufactured is being instantly sold out. While the situation is marginally better than launch, its best to keep expectations in check for this Holiday season.
