City of Steam Closed Beta Dates Announced, Begins from November 16th

Immerse yourself in an industrial wonderland with Mechanist's upcoming MMO.

Mechanist Games is going full steam ahead (pun fully intended) with City of Steam, an MMO set in an industrial-like fantasy world created using Unity 3D. They completed a round of alpha testing in August and are now getting ready to hold beta tests before year end.

As of now, the beta is closed and will consist of a few 5-day test phases commencing on November 16th, 2012. The schedule is as follows:

Springtide: Nov. 16 – 20
Summercrest: Nov. 30 – Dec. 4
Autumnwane: Dec. 14 – 18
Winter Festival: Dec. 23 – 28

For those taking part in the beta, there are Collaborator Packs which you can pick up for in-game extras like character name reservation, guaranteed beta access, social currency, and more, including higher level packs which let you personally design items and named as a city founder in-game.

To keep an eye out for updates regarding development, including chances of receiving a free beta key, subscribe to Mechanist’s newsletter today.

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