Cloud Computing a Bit of a Touchy Subject – Project Phoenix Developer

Director Hiroaki Yura shares explains why the cloud debate is still raging on in his team.

While the world is currently enamoured with the reveal of Sony’s Cloud computing service for the PlayStation 4, dubbed PlayStation Now, don’t expect every single developer to hop on the bandwagon immediately. One such developer is Creative Intelligence Arts Inc., which is currently developing Project Phoenix for the PC, PS4 and PS Vita.

When we spoke to director Hiroaki Yura about utilizing features such as Cloud computing on the console, he replied, “Cloud computing is a bit of a touchy subject due to DRM issues. We recognize the convenience of having things like saved files to the cloud to make it easier to access your saved games on all your devices. Because this debate is still raging internally within our development team, we will let people know once we’ve come to a decision.”

Yura also quashed any expectations of Phoenix using the DualShock 4’s special features, such as the touchscreen, at this point. “There are no plans for making use of the DualShock’s 4 touchscreen since we want to focus on providing a solid game experience first and foremost. Again, things may change once we get our hands on our PS4 devkits.”

As of now, both decisions are currently pending and who knows? We may see Project Phoenix utilize both when it finally comes out. What are your thoughts on the game and on PlayStation Now? Let us know in the comments below.

cloud computingCreative Intelligence Arts Inc.Dualshock 4JRPGpcPlayStation Nowproject phoenixPS Vitaps4