Conan Chop Chop Pushed Back To Q2 2020

The chibi barbarian will have to wait a little bit.

When you think of the Conan franchise, you think of grizzled men with big swords, along with scantly clad women, also with big swords. But Conan Chop Chop is a much a different take on the series, with chibi-styled models that cute up the place. The game was scheduled to come out about two weeks from today, but now it seems the hack and slash title has suffered a delay.

As announced by publisher Funcom in a press release, the rogue-lite will be pushed back to give the game more time to be the best that it can be. Unfortunately, no solid date is given, only a general Q2 2020 window. Chop Chop is one of many, many titles that’s been hit with the delay flu this year, it seems.

While we don’t know when the game will come out now, we’ll keep you updated on anything new we learn. Whenever that might be, Conan Chop Chop will release for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC.

Conan Chop ChopFuncomMighty Kingdomnintendo switchpcps4Xbox One