Daemon X Machina Announced for Switch, Developed by Marvelous

Pilot giant Arsenals and destroy everything in heated battles.

Nintendo kicked off its E3 2018 Direct presentation in the best way possible: with a new mech action game developed by Marvelous called Daemon X Machina. The mechs themselves are called Arsenals and they’re capable of flying, firing multi-rocket barrages and battling with swords. Check it out below.

We get a look at what appear to be quick-time sequences that can destroy large mechs in a single fell swoop. Of course, there are also giant land cruising tanks to tussle with. Customize your Arsenals, send them out into missions and destroy anything that gets in your way.

Daemon X Machina will be releasing in 2019 for the Nintendo Switch. As a whole, the art-style looks pretty cool – like a mild cel-shaded style of sorts not unlike Zone of the Enders (but way flashier). Armored Core series producer Kenichiro Tsukuda is also acting as producer on this title so if it gives those vibes, then that’s not a coincidence.

What are your thoughts on Nintendo’s E3 presser? Let us know in the comments.

Daemon X MachinaE3 2018Marvelous GamesNintendonintendo switch