Daemon X Machina Highlights Customization And Combat In New Trailer

Get a look at more mecha action you can take on the go.

The upcoming mecha action game, Daemon X Machina, looks to bring back some old school robot action to Nintendo’s console. Today we got a new trailer that highlighted that action, alongside some other cool things you can do in the game, like character customization.

The trailer is in Japanese and spends a brief bit on the game’s story. If you don’t know Japanese, you can still get your taste of that here. But the focus shifts to the action quickly, and that language is universal. We get to see several variety of weapons, the ability to steal and equip gear directly, and some co-op gameplay. Along with that we get a good look at the customization options you’ll get a chance to play around with to create your perfect pilot.

Daemon X Machina releases September 13th for Nintendo Switch, just week before the Switch Lite revision is slated to release. You can also get a look at the feedback the developers have taken into the account to improve the game through here.

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