Darksiders 3’s World Is Like One Continuous Dungeon

Darksiders: Breath of the Wild.

Darksiders 3, the upcoming third entry in the fan favorite ‘mature’ Zelda-like, is actually going to be following in the footsteps of Breath of the Wild, the newest Zelda game, in a lot of ways- the most obvious of which will be how it treats the world and map size.

In Darksiders 3, the game world will be treated like one continuous dungeon, game director Dave Adams revealed to Game Informer (Issue 299, March 2018). “The world is much more organic,” he said. “The game is one massive dungeon, with each area integrated and linked together.”

This will have the benefit of keeping exploration incentivized for the player- by making each area continuously integrated with the larger world, rather than resorting to the hub and spoke style of gameplay design the previous games have had, players will feel the need to continuously explore the world and find new things.

It’s a lot like how Breath of the Wild handled things, too, by keeping the world fresh for players constantly- hopefully, Darksiders 3 achieves it as well as Breath of the Wild did, when it launches on PS4, Xbox One, and PC later this year. Make sure to check out the latest issue of Gameinformer if you want more information on these reports for yourself. You can subscribe to the latest Gameinformer magazine over here.

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