Days Gone on PS4 Has “Hours” of Cinematics – Report

Deacon St. John's VA apparently said this to Star Citizen community content manager Jared Huckaby.

SIE Bend Studio’s Days Gone has been fairly quiet since we saw it at E3 2017 last year but development is still on-going. The open world zombie survival horror game made quite the splash with its promise of large spaces, non-linear gameplay and hordes of zombies chasing the player.

However, there seems to be a strong focus on the story as well. Community content manager for Star Citizen Jared Huckaby recently revealed on the first Reverse the Verse stream that he spoke to Sam Witwer. Witwer plays Deacon St. John, the protagonist of Days Gone, and he told Huckaby that there’s a “whole bunch of hours” of cinematics in Days Gone.

The nature of these cinematics, how they propel the story forward and the quality of the story-telling are still very much in the air. That being said, if Sony is truly looking for this to be another big PS4 exclusive, then this could be one of several steps it’s taking. Regardless, take this story with a grain of salt since Witwer (or the developer) didn’t directly come out and say it.

Days Gone currently doesn’t have a release date but we expect to hear more about it in 2018. Stay tuned for more information and let us know what you think.

days goneps4SIE Bend Studiosony