Days Gone’s Newest Trailer Features A Discussion Of The Dangers In Its World

The wilderness is not your ally in Days Gone.

Days Gone looks to be an extremely interesting game, not least because of its focus on systemic mechanics and emergent open world gameplay. Some of those mechanics in context of the game’s larger world, and its post-apocalyptic setting, are explored in the brand new video Sony has shared for the game, which you can see for yourself below.

The video features people from developers Sony Bend, including John Garvin, the creative director of Bend Studio, discussing the kinds of dangers and threats a player can expect when they venture out into the game’s larger world. It seems like the wilderness is most definitely not your ally in the world of Days Gone. Especially since you can face Freaker hordes with as many as 500 of them in them at a time.

If you’re interested in learning more about the game’s world, Sony has also put out a video about exploring the wastelands before that you may want to look into.

days goneps4sonySony Bend