We know that Sony Bend are on work on a new PS4 exclusive (after their pitches for further Vita games in the wake of their PS Vita launch game Uncharted: Golden Abyss, still the most successful Vita game till date, were rejected)- but we haven’t had much insights into what kind of a game it may be so far.
That changed today when industry insider Shinobi dropped some hints on Twitter about just what this new game might be like- it sounds like the game will have a post apocalyptic setting, which isn’t all that unique; zombies, which is maybe a little more unique, but still pretty commonplace; and, er, dirt bikes? Definitely not something you see as part of this mix. The game is apparently called Dead Don’tRide.
The game is apparently not a racing game, and NeoGAF users have unearthed more evidence that Dead Don’t Ride is definitely a game Sony has in the works- that, coupled with shinobi’s generally reliable track record, indicates that Dead Don’t Ride may indeed be Sony Bend’s new game- possibly with an E3 reveal incoming?