Death Stranding Gameplay Still Undergoing Adjustment, Kojima Shares New Screens

Though the PS4 exclusive is months away, plenty of development work is still on-going.

Kojima Productions’ Death Stranding is releasing in November and development is currently very hectic. Hideo Kojima noted on Twitter that the game was “still in crunch time of development”, and in a follow-up tweet, he said he was “still working on adjusting game play.” One has to wonder if the game couldn’t be delayed to allow for more development time but there could be a multitude of reasons for the ongoing crunch.

Some new screenshots, showcased on a laptop, which were also shared. Both depict protagonist Sam Bridges, standing around looking dapper. If nothing else, they indicate the beautiful skybox and different outfits that our hero will be rocking.

Death Stranding will release on November 8th, exclusively for PlayStation 4. Voice actor Troy Baker, who plays Higgs in the game, recently said that the will “definitely be statement” and that Kojima is “trying to move the medium forward, not just trying to move copies.” We’ve heard about the Social Strand System being to Death Stranding what Tactical Espionage Action was to Metal Gear Solid, but time will tell just how revolutionary the game is. Stay tuned for more details until then.

death strandingKojima Productionsps4sony