Death Stranding: “It’s in the Best Sense Possible A Kojima Game”

Mark Cerny sure sounds excited.

We may not know much about Death Stranding, but we all have one piece of information that’s been enough for over a year to keep us giddily excited about the game- it’s being made by Hideo Kojima. Mark Cerny of Sony, who’s also been assisting with the development of the game in some capacity, feels the same way, and he’s come out with a statement that will surely make us all excited.

Cerny was asked in an interview with the PlayStation Blog about the development of the game and how it is utilizing Guerrilla Games’ Decima Engine, which was also used for 2013’s Killzone: Shadow Fall and this year’s Horizon: Zero Dawn. Cerny said that the development of the game has helped develop the engine a lot more too, almost to the point where it can be said that it is a collaboration between the studios that are involved, adding that it was thanks to the Decima Engine that Mads Mikkelsen’s face looked as detailed and awesome as it did up close in the last trailer that was released for the game.

Cerny was then asked about the actual gameplay of Death Stranding, and how development on it is coming along, to which his response was particularly positive. “I have seen some early work,” Cerny said. “I haven’t gotten my hands on the controller yet, but I can say that the game shows a certain clarity of vision. It is in the best sense possible ‘a Kojima game’.”

Death Stranding was notably absent from this year’s E3, but we expect to hear more of it in the near future. As such, stay tuned to GamingBolt, and we will keep bringing more updates your way.

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