Death Stranding Shares Thematic Similarities With Into the Spider-Verse

Which, in turn, shares similarities with Metal Gear Solid 5 as well, says Kojima.

Hideo Kojima has been uncharacteristically silent about Death Stranding, only giving vague hints about the game and providing production updates here and there. He recently gave out another hint, which is probably the vaguest of the lot, but also quite interesting.

Recently, while speaking on Twitter, Kojima spoke of the recently released animated film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, calling it a “masterpiece”, before going on to say that it shares similarities with both, Death Stranding and Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain. He brought up a few things in particular, saying “it carries all the DNA and MEME SCENE, SENSE to make the next gen entertainment art”.

It’s hard, really, to decipher just how any of these can be found in common across both, Into the Spider-Verse and Death Stranding, but it’s interesting to hear nonetheless. The concept of memes and genetic lines carrying through DNA are things that Kojima’s games have had in abundance for a long time, so it isn’t surprising that Death Stranding will be sharing those similarities too. How, though? I guess we’ll know when Kojima feels like it’s time for us to know.

Death Stranding is scheduled for an exclusive launch on the PS4, but currently has no release date. Recently, Kojima confirmed that the game’s development was a bit behind schedule, but that that shouldn’t result in too much of delay. Meanwhile, in related news, Kojima Productions also filed a couple of trademarks that might provide clues about what to expect from Death Stranding’s online component- read more on that through here.

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