Deltarune Chapters 3 and 4 Will “100 Percent” Launch in 2025, Says Toby Fox

Though the creator is "very eager" to showcase the new chapters, the timing still depends on "localization and console porting."

It’s been a long time since the last Chapter of Deltarune, Toby Fox’s follow-up to the acclaimed Undertale. While we received an update last year about Chapter 3, a release date has yet to be confirmed. Fortunately, on the sixth anniversary of Chapter 1’s release, Fox revealed in a new tweet that Chapters 3 and 4 would launch in 2025.

The timing will depend on “localization and console porting,” so we must wait for further updates. However, Fox said the team is “very eager” to showcase what it’s developed “since six years ago.”

Deltarune is available for PC, Nintendo Switch, and PS4. The story follows three friends on a quest to save the world. Like Undertale, the combat is turn-based, and you can opt for a pacifist approach, not killing any enemies, or a more “genocidal” outlook, slaughtering everything in your path.

Though the first two Chapters are free on all platforms, Chapters 3 and 4 will require purchasing. Fox has yet to outline the price (or comment on why Chapter 5 isn’t included, despite promising so earlier), so stay tuned for more information in the coming year.

deltarunenintendo switchpcps4toby fox