Despite A Rise In iPhone Sales, Apple Profits Continue To Fall

Apple continues to struggle with non-iPhone products.

Apple has released their most recent quarterly earning numbers, and despite a rise in the sale of their most popular product, the iPhone, their numbers show a significant decrease from the same quarterly period last year. This year’s total revenue was $35.3 billion, with the net profit being $6.9 billion. Still nothing to scoff at, but when compared to last years quarterly earning or $35 billion in revenue, and $8.8 billion in net profit, we can see that there has been almost a $2 billion dollar drop in profit. There’s no not noticing that kind of money disappearing.

Apple reports that while their iPhone sales rose from 26 million to 31.2 million, sales of iPads and Mac computers dropped by a combined almost 4 million.

Apple is hopeful that their new OS and line of products will help them bounce back from the profit decline. Apple CEO Tom Cook had this to say, “”We are especially proud of our record June quarter iPhone sales of over 31 million and the strong growth in revenue from iTunes, software and services. We are really excited about the upcoming releases of iOS 7 and OS X Mavericks, and we are laser-focused and working hard on some amazing new products that we will introduce in the fall and across 2014.”

With this loss in profit on tech, it’s fair to assume that Apple could be considering throwing its hat into the console gaming ring, especially with the huge success of the iOS mobile gaming platform.

Do you think Apple is headed for console development?

Via: CVG
