Destiny Exclusive Content For PS4 And PS3 Featured In New Video

Short video talks about the things only Playstation gamers can get in Destiny.

Credit Bungie and Activision with one thing if nothing else, the company knows how to best get gamers excited about its content, no matter which platform we’re talking about. In order to do this, the company has entered into agreements with both Microsoft and Sony when it comes to content available only on the PS4 and PS3 sometimes and only available on the Xbox One and Xbox 360 on other days.

To that end, Sony has released a new video that highlights the content that can only be access when playing Destiny on the PS4 or PS3. It should be pointed out the video is relatively short and doesn’t go into a great deal of detail but it does talk about different PVP maps as well as other weapons, tools and missions that are only available on the Sony consoles.

The video comes on the heels of a new report that Bungie is looking at adding … something new that hasn’t actually been unveiled yet. A patent filing has some people thinking that player trading and an auction house might eventually be added to Destiny. It seems unlikely that this would be remotely console exclusive though it does seem to be one more thing where the developers could squeeze various features into exclusivity of one kind or another. Until we actually find out what Eververse is we’ll have to be content with DLC offerings that a are a little bit different depending on which console you are using. Check out the video below for more information on what exclusive things you can get from Destiny if you’re playing on the PS3 or PS4.
