Destiny The Taken King DLC Pricing Ripped Apart By Former Planetside 2 Dev

Shots fired!

Anyone who uses Twitter no longer has to wonder what Matthew Higby thinks about Bungie’s policy when it comes to the Taken King DLC for Destiny. Who is Matthew Higby you ask? He’s a former developer for Planetside 2 and now that his game has officially launched, he couldn’t hold his tongue anymore when it came to his feelings about that $40 price tag and the promise of VIP treatment when it came to the Taken King.

Higby took to Twitter to say “A REAL MMOFPS experience on the PS4 and no bull—  $40 DLCs to worry about now or ever? Too good to be true? Check out #PS2onPS4 today!” He also wasn’t ashamed to continue down that path, further throwing a bit of shade at Destiny and Bungie. One user responded back to him asking if he could “quote him” on that. Higby replied that he has always preferred the free to play model over games that charge a great deal of money for DLC.

The developer pointed out that when you’re talking about a game that uses the F2P model, you aren’t forcing people to pay more money every six months in order to “stick with friends.” At some point, the developer seemed to realize that his tweet could look like a member of the Planetside 2 team was directly taking aim at Destiny and he pointed out that he no longer works on the game or for Daybreak. He added that he was now just some guy stating his opinion.

Planetside 2 went live for the PS4 earlier this week. It should probably be pointed out that the game almost immediately reported severe issues with its European servers so not everything is rosey in F2P land either just yet.

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