Detroit: Become Human Dev “Didn’t Want to Do Sci-Fi”

David Cage wants the world to "look familiar to the player".

Quantic Dream finally revealed its newest project during Sony’s Paris Games Week show with Detroit: Become Human, which featured a nod back to the PS4 tech demo “Kara” in its protagonist. The game will serve as an interesting look at androids and their place in a contemporary society but focuses more on what makes us all human. In a recent video, director David Cage talked about avoiding too much science fiction when creating Detroit.

“We didn’t want to do sci-fi. We didn’t want to invent any technology that doesn’t exist in labs today. We wanted the world to look familiar to the player, so they really feel like ‘oh, I know this place. This is a real place,’ but at the same time be surprised around each corner.”

Though the city of Detroit definitely feels more futuristic, there is still that balance with the contemporary nature of the city that Quantic Dream is working to maintain. “Detroit is really a fascinating place. It’s a great place for industry, but also a great place for creative people and artists of all kinds. We thought well if one day an android industry has to appear somewhere, it should be in Detroit. It would be a logical place in many, many ways.

“We went there and really explored the city inside out and yes, we’ve seen the abandoned churches and the abandoned places. At the same time, we saw fantastic places, we met fantastic people and you could really feel the energy that was there and that was very, very inspiring.”

Detroit: Become Human will be out on PS4 with a release date still to be announced.

Detroit: Become Humanps4Quantic Dreamsony