DICE: Mirror’s Edge 2 Will ‘Remove Frustration’

'We want to remove the frustration that was in the first game.'

One of the things that apparently characterized the first Mirror’s Edge, according to DICE, was a ‘frustration’ that [layers felt when they played the game; for the sequel, they have vowed to remove this frustration.

We really want to continue doing that but removing a bit of the frustration that came with that in the first game,” Troedsson said. “We’re focusing on first-person combat this time around, to make sure we bring that experience into something that is really fun and accessible.”

This sounds about right- the first game was a refreshing, fast paced, first person parkour platformer, but by definition (because it was first person), there were issues associated with it. So the fact that DICE is aware of these issues, and that it is actively working to reduce and remove those frustrations, is a good thing, and it shpuld be indicative of them having their finger on the pulse of the community going forward.


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