DICE Tries, Yet Again, To Address Concerns About Star Wars: Battlefront

This is becoming a trend now.

A lot of people were eagerly anticipating a DICE developed reboot for Star Wars: Battlefront. And personally, when the game was finally unveiled earlier this month, I was happy with what I saw. Other long time fans of the series, however, began to notice how the game was less content and feature rich than previous games in the franchise, or how it seemed to be just a Star Wars skinned Battlefield clone.

DICE has tried to address these concerns with direct community interaction before, and it tried to do so again recently, when a DICE producer spoke to fans on Reddit.

“Battlefront is not Battlefield. That’s never been the intention; our intention with Battlefront is to build a game that feels and is very different from Battlefield. His ‘40 is the sweet spot’ remark is only in regards to Battlefront and the type of game we want Battlefront to be,” he said.

“The 40-player max is not a result of Battlefield telemetry. It was an internal decision to aim for this for various reasons. And of course the map design will reflect whatever max player limit you have, otherwise it would just be very bad map design,” he continued.

I hear what these guys are saying, and I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt- unfortunately, it seems like other fans are far less forgiving (which they should be, too- DICE has had two consecutive botched launches with Battlefield 3 and 4). Whether or not all of DICE’s assurances are true or not is something we will find out when the game finally launches in November this year. Stay tuned.

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