Dragon Age 4 “Live” Elements Explained by Bioware GM

Casey Hudson says fans will be "relieved to see what the team is working on."

Yesterday, Kotaku’s Jason Schreier provided an in-depth report on the current state of the next Dragon Age and Anthem. While the latter is apparently being delayed to early 2019 (but no latter than March or so), the former is interesting because of the addition of “live” elements. This got some fans concerned, especially seeing EA’s approach to “live” elements in its games as of late.

Bioware general manager Casey Hudson has sought to clarify those things on Twitter. He first noted that fans would be “relieved” by what the development team is working on, reiterating the “story and character focused” nature of the game. While it was still too early for details, Hudson did say that, “When we talk about ‘live’ it just means designing a game for continued storytelling after the main story.”

Of course, that could mean any number of things from post-launch events to downloadable content. The real issue – about the game being stuffed to the brim with microtransactions – will only really be clarified once the game is close to reveal. That’s a way long off, especially with Anthem as the focus right now.

What are your thoughts on Hudson’s comments though? Let us know in the comments below.

AnthemBiowaredragon age 4EA