Dragon Age 4 Update Looking Likely Following Developer Tweets

Expect some news in a couple of days.

Dragon Age 4 might be the game BioWare has now shifted its attention to, but it’s still going to be while before we see the game- probably even more than a couple of years. That said, that doesn’t mean we won’t be hearing anything about the game in the imminent future. BioWare might not be very far along in the game’s development process, but it seems the developer is preparing to share some new information very soon.

Recently, Mark Darrah, executive producer at BioWare, posted a couple of tweets, with all of them containing the same two words – “Dragon Age” – and one of them being accompanied by a vague picture of a snowy in-game environment. In another tweet, Darrah (possibly) teased incoming news as well- unless he’s just toying with us all.

This, of course, follows from BioWare’s recent social media activity, which also suggested that we might be hearing something about Dragon Age 4 very soon. Read more on that through here.

Biowaredragon age 4EA