Dragon Quest 11 on Nintendo Switch Will Include Additional Elements Not in the PS4 Version

Square Enix plans on having something more in the Switch version of Dragon Quest 11.

Dragon Quest 11 is due out on PS4 and PC later this year, but there is also a version of the game planned for the Nintendo Switch. In fact, Dragon Quest 11 was the first game ever announced for the Switch, back when it was still known as the NX. But that version of the game is nowhere to be seen- Dragon Quest 11 launched on PS4 and 3DS last year in Japan, launches in the west on PC and PS4 this year, but we haven’t even seen a screenshot from the game.

Last week, Square confirmed that the Switch version of the game is still in development, but did say they wouldn’t talk more about it for the time being. This week, they talked more about it anyway- in their financial meeting with shareholders, the company mentioned that the Switch version of the game will have content and elements not present in the PS4 version of the game.

As for what these elements may be, they didn’t say- it could be something as basic as the additions made to the PS4 version for its international release, or maybe some costume collaborations. It could be something more substantial, too. We don’t know for now, but it does seem like they plan on having something in the game to make up for the long wait for the Switch port.

Dragon Quest 11nintendo switchpcps4Square Enix