Dreams Early Access Going Better Than Expected, Says Creative Director

The game builder's early access is reportedly going well.

The incredibly ambitious pseudo-game, pseudo-builder, pseudo-game engine, Dreams, is still in its Early Access phase, with no real indication of when the full retail release will come out. Regardless of that though, the game’s developer, Media Molecule, say that the current period has gone better than they ever expected.

In the latest issue of MCV, which you can check out for free here, Media Molecule Co-Founder and Dreams Creative Director Mark Healey said that the early access period has really exceeded the company’s hopes, and heaped a lot of praise on the game’s budding community, which he thinks has helped the game immensely in their creativity.

“It’s going as good as we could ever hope for,” he said. “We want to do a bit of a slow build up so that we can iron out any obvious problems before we put it in front of too many people’s faces really. And the quality of the community is amazing, which was something we’d really hoped for and something that we put particular effort into, targeting certain people that we knew would be right for Dreams – primarily a lot of LittleBigPlanet creators for example but not just that. My experience is that it’s very good-natured, lots of people who are willing to help each other out and collaborate. So I think there’s a nice happy feeling in the community we’ve got so far.”

The Dreams community is certainly something, as we’ve seen with various recreations of other games, as well as some original content that’s pretty cool. There’s still lot of questions about the game that are unclear, such as what exactly happens if we start selling levels, and what kind of ownership agreement will be in place for those that create levels- or will there be any at all?

Those questions will, hopefully, get sorted out in time. For now, Dreams is available in Early Access on PlayStation 4. Currently, there’s no slated release for the full version of the game.

DreamsMedia Moleculeps4sony