Dreams Early Access Release For Creators Announced For This Spring

Only the creation tools will be available, but it’s a start.

Do you want to play Dreams? Media Molecule’s creation tool and 3D game has been a long time coming, but it’s never felt as close as it does now. This is because we had a closed beta that finally let us go hands on with it earlier in the year. And now, more people will get to as well.

Media Molecule announced today on the PlayStation Blog that Dreams will get a creator beta that goes live in Spring this year. This early access beta is for Media Molecule to solicit feedback, and will cost $30. This won’t have the “full experience” of Dreams, but it will come with the full creation tools that are the big focus of the game. In other words, the campaign won’t be here, and full sharing capabilities may not be there, but you will be able to create stuff using it to your heart’s content. Unlike the closed beta earlier this year, there will also be no NDA.

“Early Access won’t have everything that the full version of Dreams will, but you’ll get 100% of the same Dreams tools that we have used every day at MM to make our content,” Media Molecule wrote. “As well as fun, deep interactive tutorials catering for all skill sets and levels and Mm crafted arcade games ready to play and remix. If you joined us during the beta period, you’ll also have your beta creations to return to. Along the way, we’ll be adding more features, tutorials, arcade levels and assets during the Early Access period as we build towards the full slate of launch content.”

“We’ll use Early Access to help us prioritise all the awesome stuff we’re already working on and get feedback as player needs develop and evolve,” the developer added. “With refinements, bug fixes and brand new features on the way- we are kicking off the live service side of Dreams so community can get the first look at how we continue to support the game.

“And of course there is no NDA, so you can stream, entertain, teach, collaborate and share to your heart’s content.”

Hopefully, the complete release will follow shortly afterwards.

DreamsMedia Moleculeps4sony