Dreams’ Full Version Will Include A Story Mode With New Tools And Tutorials

The full release will have a lot of extra compared to the early access one.

We finally got an idea of when Media Molecule’s ambitious Dreams will release in its full version. The game ran in Early Access for several months (though that version is no longer available), and is almost ready for prime time. The full release of the game will also have a much fuller set of content, including a full story mode and more tools.

The game’s story mode will take you through three distinct stories. One is a noir styled story of a tortured man wondering through life named Art as he has two dreams, one a pseudo-horror story of two animal friends on the run and the other about a small robot who is trying to cleanse his world of a wicked virus. Each story will have a different art style as well as function as a separate genre. All three were created entirely in Dreams on the PS4. Check it out below.

Along with a full story mode, it will also launch with more tools and tutorials for players to help them out in building their own stories. Dreams will release on PlayStation 4 February 14th 2020. If you purchased the Early Access version of the title, you can upgrade to the full release for free.

DreamsMedia Moleculeps4sony